
Interpretative Analysis and Qualitative Visualization


We offer a wide array of options for qualitative research design to help you in any phase your project might be in. Long experience on the field guarantee our services.


Art and science as well as rigour and creativity meets to create the indispensable tools needed to enhance your experience of conducting interpretative inquiry.


Qualitative data analysis, modeling strategies and skills integration linked to qualitative software are our areas of expertise.

We offer training, support and consultancy on using:

Our goal is to bring you the best support to enjoy qualitative research as a collective effort for presenting clearly your models and findings as well as for developing narrative and hermeneutics strategies.

INTERACT is in our programs for training. You can read about our collaboration at this entry in Mangold´s blog.

Methodological rigour and knowledge on qualitative software routines are merged in our consultancy to enhance the researcher´s creativity and facilitate the visualization of complex relations.

We have been trained by the qualitative software developers and have been in permanent contact with them regarding the newest versions of each program. So our knowldege is updated regularly since we have participated in the development and evolution of qualitative software new tools.

With a strong, academic and professional relationship with the international scientific community witch is involved in the interpretative traditions of qualitative inquiry, we are able to provide the best training and consultancy on both basic and advanced skills related to qualitative computing and qualitative thinking.

We offer different service options:

consultancy in any phase of your project

individualized sessions

training for research teams

particular seminars by topics

skills integration

Our expertise on qualitative text analysis together with our innovative approaches for visual data analysis, in micro and macro levels, are at the reach of your hands provided by professionals who are inspired by interpretative traditions associated to qualitative analysis.

We have trained and/or taught qualitative software to researchers at:

Australia: QSR International.

Brazil: Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora and Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina.

Canada: International Institute for Qualitative Methodology.

Colombia: Universidad del Cauca, Universidad de Antioquia and Universidad del Valle.

Chile: Universidad Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez, Universidad del Bio Bio, Universidad de Chile, Universidad de Tarapacá, Ponticia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and Universidad de Valparaíso.

Ecuador: Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales.

Germany: University of Augsburg.

Mexico: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Azcapotzalco, Xochimilco e Iztapalapa); CIDE, Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (several campus), Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (Unidad Ajusco among others); El Colegio de Sonora; El Colegio de México; Universidad Iberoamericana, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes; CESNAV, Universidad de Yucatán; Universidad La Salle, Universidad de Guadalajara and Universidad de Guanajuato, among others.

Paraguay: Centro Paraguayo de Estudios de Población.

Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico.

Spain: Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Universidad de Granada, Instituto de Empresa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and UNED.

Thailand: University of Khon Kaen

US: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, ResearchTalk Inc. and University of Houston.